Let me preface this post by saying no one “needs” a designer handbag. These are all “wants” and as a reminder, we all have different budgets and price points – a handbag will not define who you are! Personally, I was gifted my very first bag by family and started purchasing on my own in my 30s. My main impetus here is to help guide those interested on what to look for when deciding to make a splurge purchase when it comes to handbags, so let’s jump right into it!
First, here are a few questions I like to ask myself prior to making an investment. Once you answer these, you should be able to have a clearer sense on which bag is right for you:
-Is this bag going to be for daily wear like a crossbody, or special occasions?
-How much space are you looking for (ie- a medium sized satchel for work that fits my phone, keys & wallet? Or a clutch I can throw in gloss, a credit card & my phone?)
-Are you rough on your bags? I am the first to admit I am, which is why I steer clear of certain colors & materials.
Remember, even if it’s for daily use, you want your luxury bags to be durable and built to last. For me, I think about my daughter one day sifting through my bags and asking to use it for her dances or big events 🥰
Now, let’s get into a few of the bags I have invested in and why:
Saint Laurent Lou Mini Quilted Leather Camera Bag: This was my everyday bag for a couple years until recently. The crossbody makes it feel more casual & approachable, and the quality has held up amazingly! Mind you, I have three kids (including little Kai Kai who I am holding quite often), and the bag still is in great condition. Another reason I opted for this particular size was that in the past I would be carrying a large handbag plus diaper bag and my back and shoulders were getting worn out. This crossbody allows me to be hands-free when dealing with the kids and the size is acceptable for concerts and games where they check!
My Saint Laurent Camera Bag look for less (linked here)
YSL Cassandre Matelasse Envelope Chain Wallet : As you can see, I love this brand. I find it to be one of the higher end brands that can take you from day to night and feel luxurious. I have this in black and dark beige. It’s the perfect neutral bag to dress up any outfit! This bag holds less which is why I use it mainly for going out, but still holds a good amount. Plus it can be worn as a crossbody or clutch.
My YSL Envelope Chain Wallet look for less (linked here)
Louis Vuitton Coussin PM: This was a recent splurge that I took my time with deciding on because I was looking for a new bag I could use on the regular. I also wanted something a little bigger, since my kids are all almost out of the “holding on one hip” phase and I can have a little more weight I also love that it has a chain that serves as a shoulder bag or clutch and a detachable strap that makes it more of a casual crossbody- basically, 2 bags in 1! For my most used bags, I always opt for neutral tones and got this in the color ‘taupe.’
My Louis Vuitton Coussin PM look for less (linked here)
Gucci Fanny Pack: I purchased this before our spring break trip to St Barts. I needed something that would be hands-free during the day with the kids and also be casually chic for evenings. Love how practical this is and opted for white, so it’s perfect for spring & summer. I’m just conscious about being careful with it (ps- find a good resource near you that can occasionally upkeep and clean your luxury goods, it will help these pieces last forever).
My Gucci Fanny Pack look for less (linked here)
Christian Dior Large Book Tote: I have admired this tote for so long and waited until I really, really wanted it. It’s definitely a statement piece and someone will most likely stop you at least once to ask about how it is and if it’s worth it. I would say yes, but also if you’re super practical like me, there are things I wish it had. For instance, the structure of the bag is very stiff and the handles short, so if you stuff it, you can’t add a strap and wear it on your shoulder. I wish I could, especially while traveling. The other downside is there is no closure, it’s a fully open tote with no extra pockets, zippers or button closures. With that said, you can get inserts off amazon that can help you organize within or I keep a little tote with my smaller items. Just something to think about! This was also a limited edition purchase I made while traveling in St Barts that was exclusive to the island so made it feel even more special!
My Christian Dior look for less (linked here)
Chanel Wallet On A Chain (WOC): My first Chanel felt like a rite of passage, and it wasn’t until just a few years ago that I made the plunge. I have the ‘boy bag’ version in black caviar with gold hardware and the ‘pearl crush’ version in purple lambskin with gold hardware. In my opinion, caviar is more durable, but there is something just so lush about the buttery lambskin leather. What I love about the purple is that it is a fun pop of color AND the chain is an adjustable strap. It’s my only colorful bag which is why I was okay getting the lamb skin, since I know I won’t use it as regularly. The boy bag version has a few ways you can wear it (tuck in the chain inside and make it a clutch, criss cross the chain inside to shorten it, or the standard way). One tip that someone shared with me is to be sure to store your bags in their dust bag but NOT in the box (apparently the bag can’t ‘air’ out and this could impact the leather?) I read that someone’s bag got bubbles on it from being ‘air tight’ inside the box!
My Chanel Wallet on Chain look for less (linked here)
I hope this post helped determine what bag to invest in if you’re thinking about it, and remember, it is absolutely not a necessity. Some people I know don’t have interest in bags at all. It’s all about what makes you happy and what you feel you want to invest in.
Which bag is your fave / on your wishlist? Are there any handbag ‘tips’ that are worth sharing? Let me know in the comments!